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Climbing helmets are made of high-tech, minimal weight plastics and polymers.
Climbing helmets, as well as every other kind of helmet, must withstand impacts without breaking, or at least avoiding that your head brokes! Helmets should have a 4-point chin strap and adjustable headband to keep the helmet off of your head (the wider is the span, the safer is the helmet).
A piece of advice for every climber: wear it! Rocks are hard, heads are not and accidents can and do happen: rocks may fall, a carabiner or another piece of equipment may slip out of the hands of the climber over you, you may whack your head into rock when you are moving.

Buy a climbing helmet with the UIAA and CE marks ensures the following minimum standards of impact resistance:
- helmets must withstand the impact of a heavy blunt object weighting 5 kg, dropped from 2 m, without break;
- a 1,5 kg pointed cone dropped from 1,5 m mustn't penetrate helmets;
- the adjustable chin strap may lengthen not more than 2,5 cm if heavily stretched.
Care. Helmets don't require particular care: only clean. It is recommended that any helmet be replaced after a significant impact. Finally, inspect helmet straps periodically. by carlogozzi©2006-08
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